Best Foot Forward

I was delighted to see that today’s Shutter Sister post is about taking pictures of your feet!

I have a love/hate relationship with my feet.  After every shower, I slather them in shae butter cream and slip on some gel socks for an hour or two.  My feet come out smooth and feeling great!  Yet I am forever fighting a nail fungus that can be placated, but never quite eradicated.  So sometimes, my feet are hideous:  dry, cracked, and peeling with yellow nails – in short, icky!

About every other spring when it gets really bad (like it was this spring), I drag myself to a dermatologist who confirms – again – a fungal infection and either prescribes Sporanax (a pill I take twice a day for a week, one week a month for 3 months) or a topical cream (to be applied twice a day for six weeks).

When the magic has run its course. my feet are mostly back to normal (thought there’s one nail that will probably never be right) and for 3 to 6 months, I don’t have to fight with my feet.  During those summers, I can enjoy summer days of walking barefoot through grass or wearing sandels.

My greatest guilty foot pleasure is getting a spa pedicure, which I try to do once a year, usually right before the 4th of July.  And since my feet are oft-seen on the 4th, as I (usually) tromp around on the tarps on the Esplanade for the entire day before the Boston Pops concert, I also get a snazzy polish job.  This is the ONLY time of year my toes see polish, so I love doing something fun.

This picture was taken on July 1, 2007 at my sister’s house on her bean-bag chair.  Its deep blue made the perfect backdrop for my fancy feet!

3 Responses to “Best Foot Forward”

  1. the text loaded quicker than your photo so i had already read quite a bit of your post before the photo pulled up, i burst out laughing, i was just expecting plain old pedicured toes!!!

  2. lol.. i’m new here and curiosity got the better of me when i read about ‘photographing feet’… eeeeek now thats a mean feat in itself (pardon the pun)…. but great idea and definitely fun but I wont join in on this occassion lol…..
    BTW have you tried ‘tea tree oil’…. certainly cured my sons fungal infection…. in the case of toe nails put some on the end of a cotton bud and swab under the nail…. strong smell from the oil but worth it to be ‘free’…..

  3. Margie – Thanks for the info about the load time. I reduced the size of the pic. Glad to give you chuckles today!

    Karen – I have NOT tried that – and I actually have some pure tea tree oil my mom bought me in Australia about 8 years ago, which has sat in my medicine cabinet because I didn’t know what to do with it. I think I’ll try your suggestion!

    Thanks for reading and commenting, ladies!
    ~ Debbie

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