Past, Present and Future

Today’s Shutter Sisters post is about seeing someone else in yourself, so this 4 generation picture is totally appropriate.  It was taken nearly a year ago at my maternal grandfather’s memorial service.  It’s me, my mom, my sister, my grandma, and my two girls.

I’ve always looked like my mom – and many who knew her young say I look like my grandma, too.  Some say Megan looks most like me, but I think Emily looks more like me.  We all have the same hair.  And we are all alike – and yet different – in so many other ways.

I’m going to visit my grandma today.  She was excited about it when I told her I was coming a few weeks ago.  She was equally excited when I told her last week and excited again when I told her yesterday.  The dementia is tragic.  But her mother had it, and so did her sister.  Is it in my future, too?

2 Responses to “Past, Present and Future”

  1. There is a possibility that we could be related

  2. I will keep you and yours in my prayers.

    None of us knows what the future holds. All we can do is our best & keep the faith.

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